Now, after the sequence of events in the wake of atheist of September and the bombing of the World Trade Center and the fall of the twin towers and the demolition of the Pentagon and the fires of New York and Washington and the rage of America, which was regarded as what happened in accordance with a terrorist mastermind in the hands of the Taliban and the system of rule and that what happened is an aggression that justifies her stripping a military campaign to invade Afghanistan and overthrow the heads of Islamic rule there. . Turned into rage and how fierce E. ... I plan a military court and an alliance with the Afghan opposition forces north .. The battalions of the planes and bombs Almenkdp awesome weight of 7 tons and cluster bombs of the type forbidden internationally and seize all military taboo and out on all the restrictions and violation of all the reservations for the salvation of the process quickly and to enter Kabul, and raise the flags of America .. Before Ramadan .. These events have passed my mind Kprq Jatef and took a sudden awareness of how I feel .. That those who say that the events of September atheist events are made at the hands of a U.S. warrant for this that I see before me, of violence and aggression .. And they cooked for U.S. marketing of this aggression and justified .. Reviewed this view in my mind and I started to chew in slow .. I saw for the first time that he thought his reasons .. And that opinion can not be ruled out.
The breakdown of events that quickly .. The immediate moves from the stage to the stage .. And the immediate recruitment of discontent and frustration that has plagued the U.S. for the viewer sees on the television .. And a sense of humiliation and the right of what he sees in America the full and to punish those who do the torturing and annihilating destroy and crush all enemies.
And employ all these feelings and packaged in a planned attack and immediately ..
And review what happened in the torrent Fayyad of images and scenes to pour in the eyes of viewers worldwide television audience frequently imposed and the league and the deliberate implantation of horror in the hearts of everyone who sees, hears and instill a sense of guilt in the sense of every human being sympathetic with the United States did not rise to her rescue and revenge against the enemies of criminals.
All this shows that the fires of September atheist meal was pretreated to justify the attack and the aggression of a larger ownership of this world and control their own destiny and future of wealth and freedoms of its peoples and also of its members .. In retaliation for what happened.
It is blaming her?!!
Not blaming one in everything they do .. Else wrong
But the plan was much bigger than what happened .. And much wider than we see .. And its consequences were far beyond what is under the limit .. The plan had been prepared in advance at leisure and ponder and think.
America have moved their armies and Askarha and the rules of its planes to Afghanistan and will have a say and a stake in the Caspian Sea will be given to American companies the lion's share in manufacturing and refinery and pipeline and oil via this pipeline Asia each partner countries .. The same is true for natural gas from these sources and its derivatives .. It dreams of ancient America was planned from the time .. Then there are the results further.
After what happened to Afghanistan and the Islamic Taliban regime and Islamic systems that resemble in rigor .. Application will be Islamic under consideration .. Will be developed Islamic countries, all in the box and check accountability eternal horror .. Islamic law will be the same under consideration and subject to change and change and develop .. Perhaps I need it to become a Muslim-Arab states such as Turkey broadcast the process of citizenship to people in all channels, as this is the progress .. And urbanization .. And it may be pressure on all countries of the Islamic world to take the secular system .. And will govern America in the Muslim markets, buying and selling will have a corner of the entire global trade.
And will be marketed homosexuality and marriage marriage men men and women to women in the Muslim world is under the tutelage of U.S. or shed, this is the broad concept of freedom and urbanization.
The drug will be permissible and displays bingo, hashish, opium and heroin as the drug exposure on the sidewalks of Denmark and the Netherlands .. The drug will drain coffers of the Islamic countries and the health of young people and awareness of men .. As in the Opium War, which missed China for centuries ..
America will control the world and is driven by their desires and interests of its economy and its dollar Sultan.
We say now that the war is over .. I think it started
It will be the next war, wars, economic and media mischief and a youth decadence and moral deterioration in everything.
The question is who is touring the minds of everyone now
Is America a free hand to do all this.?!! And how it will impose its authority on the whole world .. And how to govern without a competitor ..?!
Ellis of this world, the creator of the universe driven by the owner ..
I say yes .. It is for this will come back the second .. Because the American system recognized ethnic composition of the world and try to control his desires and will and make a mockery of everything for their own interests.
It is for this the Koran say about Lord of the Worlds
And that the first family returned (50 Star)
It is a reference verses that will come in the remaining time .. Returned again rule the world unchallenged and dominates and controls .. What is happening now is that leads .. And the recent war in Afghanistan is the entrance and the beginning of this will happen.
The question remains to insist on the readers and is no doubt
Why change my attitude and the concepts of the events of September atheist?!
Why I took the hypothesis of a political process as nonwoven and orchestrated.
And not terrorism, Afghan .. Nor is the process of operations for Bin Laden
I say that you have seen and we saw the capabilities of this with you people on the ragged Afghan television and satellite channels and which Egged their next meal .. What to do before death, which invalidates it from the sky and bombs which exploded their homes and destroyed nests .. , Which withdrew from Kabul after the days .. And then collapsed completely and the disintegration of no longer exists
Is this a ragged hungry Afghan who hijacked the plane of the
And sat down to deal with genius Iketronyatea and displays a stunning acrobatic invalidate it from the sky into a jungle of towers, and the proof is going around and explode .. Impossibility ..
This craft can not be created exercises for several days
They are the Americans for flesh and blood .. This is their game .. They are the only ones who know the air passages in Smoathm and the laws governing their space busy and bustling activity.
And also the ones who made the anthrax packages .. Studies of biological ..
And biological warfare to the game .. They have admitted that the anthrax came from inside the U.S..
And also the ones who made the bombing of Oklahoma .. By their own admission .. And their enemies in them and them.
They kidnapped the aircraft and have made such acrobatics .. This is the closest probability
The news reported in all publications and radio channels for each of the four thousand Jews who worked in the World Trade Center and who had received an order not to attend the Centre on September 11 .. Is more evidence that the broth prefabricated .. And it is unknown day and hour, and frames per second.
The more difficult question ..
How to make America self-destruction is itself deliberately deliberate?
Will led the pilots of these aircraft? .. Or was it driven by remote control from on the ground ..?!
All details to extend or delay .. And an electronic chip placed in a small plane made all this and more ..
But the key to this process .. Is what America will lose .. Towers ..?!.. We know now that they have been selling to hand made bids to buy them .. (which indicates that there was a deliberate deal)
As for what would be .. You can read the article from the beginning.
It will possess the corner of the whole world and will control the fate and future of its peoples and the wealth and freedoms of its members.
Gain on sale
The gain is much greater than the loss
The towers may be sold and will grab Tmenhma
And a net gain
And adventure worthy of
I do not pretend to know the truth
But is merely an assumption can not be ruled out .. Among the many hypotheses put forward by the incident on our minds .. Jurisprudence may simply makes a mistake and may affect what happened and will remain a mystery for several years
The final word does not say after a
The events of history alone, and What You Made America is the one who will answer it and tell the truth .. And what they do now in the world more and more confirms this assumption
We are facing something like a game of Nations .. To the extent that some say that the disaster is made from beginning to end to show this picture to justify the disastrous for America to do anything and strong arm any picture what you want and who you want .. As America used bin Laden in the past in its war with the Russians .. Possible to use it again in the new war .. It will be an opportunity to polish his potential and publicity for his ideas .. It was his talks are already advertising for the same .. War and it was as much as they were Telmie punishment.
And what happened .. All the tools to play the orchestra collaborated on the nerves of the whole world and one recital .. With the same members of the old course and the same mechanisms to give opportunity to the American arm goes all the torturing and the strong arm of someone who wants to blow up and destroy Taksv and without blaming her for banquets.
It is very strange that all this planning has emerged from the brain of George Bush the father and the shrewd former CIA director and maker of conspiracy Inveigle Gulf War, where Saddam Hussein was the war to an end .. The fall of the oil wealth in the hands of Arab Americans and to control oil prices to last a lifetime.
Since this date has become a mockery of the Americans has been any talk about any conspiratorial thinking is trying to think of the Arab mind .. And always ready to respond .. To talk about the conspiracy and the conspiracy is a characteristic of the Arab mentality trivial.
The reason the concept ..
They want to keep memories for this type of thinking that will reveal their plans and will abort their ambitions ..
For this reason it was necessary to run off U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie to Saddam lured and encouraged him and assured him to initiate the attack on Kuwait .. And not showing an impact, and celebrate the whole world then Thblaha ground.
Had to disappear from existence Ariel Glaspie .. Because it is the key to the process of conspiracy and its manual and Berhanha.
And we must not speak of the logic of the plot .. But they Vtarejhm whole series of conspiracy at all levels .. And a series of wars on all levels ..
And a long, bloody journey through the ambitions and interests along the historical colonization of eternal change tactics and methods .. And Rear goal .. Permanent and per .. A drain on resources and the plunder of wealth and seize the land and each and every Maikrj what lives where everything disappears in the interior, and all Maemci on the surface.
A gang of smart work long history and currently have the face of civilized European and tongue dripping with honey and replete with accounts of love and shows full of innovations in science and all the theaters full of novelty in both the art and libraries full of literature from each Baltarif .. A strikingly attractive face of the civilized glittery .. But pulp and heart black depths of the night when the wolves howl and roam the jungle where black .. At the moment one turns the scene into tanks, grenade launchers and warships, submarines and rocket launchers .. And bloody scenes, such as what we see in Afghanistan.
And empires fall .. And generate empires .. And aging systems .. Governments and tumble .. And nothing lasts in this stormy sea ocean that swallows everything in the stomach neighborhood.
Are the rulers of America understands this simple fact .. That force is not strong Atdom of health for healthy and rich for the rich .. And that history will be closed and will not keep all of their curricula, but sheets, news and tombstones.
Do you realize when an elephant tramples the ant that will fall one day and Tdosh elephants stronger from it .. And that everything is in constant motion and constant flow .. And that the greatness of a Atdom only for the great alone .. God, the Almighty.
Astronomers say that there is a meteor had escaped from the area of meteorites between Saturn and Jupiter and was on his way to a range of gravity ..
And, if this meteor to a range of gravity .. You will not get away with it .. And will be located in their families and be doomed to crash land is strongly disastrous.
Where? In any area will be located .. And any continent .. And any perimeter will collide? God only knows .. In the book of the Prophet Jafr Ali bin Abi Talib, the prophecy that this disaster will occur one day .. What ..
In the event that a meteor impact on America will be a 7-ton bomb dropped by the numbers of each of Afghanistan .. But will be a shock and the blast impulse and intention and the power of a bomb from a multi-million and perhaps several trillion tons .. And the ability of bombing turned the Washington area, New York and California are probably to the chips and the remnants of .. And eddies of cyclones and hurricanes that will arise from the collision will have flying buildings and skyscrapers to the boulders of the bricks and gravel in the space ..
And temperature of the collision will ignite forest and setting fire and boil water from the temperature of the oceans.
And all this will happen in a moment of time
There is no way to escape Bosalibna known
God alone is the door to escape
Will survive only a prayer acceptable to God, and the order
Will accept the prayer of our Lord, who killed thousands of children and mothers of internationally banned cluster bombs and blowing up bombs, 7 tons of thousands and destroying houses and burning villages, destroying hospitals on patients and tilling the earth, and it many times, publicly and day.
I think that the question which every American
I think when all of us, we are all inhabitants of this land are exposed to this deadly meteor does not know of any one continent will be located in any State was going to explode
And the next catastrophe will be astronomical standards ..
And death numbers would be astronomical
And destruction would be astronomical sizes
There is no protection to prevent unsustainable
Not only to those who survive the womb of thy Lord
Are they returned the second suggested by the Quran when he said of the Lord of the Worlds
And that the first family returned (50 Star)
Signal was hidden by the Koran to back again .. Down the punishment visited upon the former.
God alone knows
Allbeb and is read his heart and he fears forbidden work and kind to improve the moral character and to the widow and the old woman and the child and spreads goodness, love and compassion and kindness wherever ..
Remember that we are all slaves Iasadp charity .. And we are not rulers, but we are all condemned to Mschron and subordinates and to the will of one is the will of the Lord of the Worlds .. Our freedoms and borrowed from it .. Test and a trial and a test .. And advance our lives and a loan for the unknown.
Dried up pens .. And wrapped up the press .. And which will remain Aigvl not sleep Do you want another proof fabricate these terrible events that occurred in the atheist of September .. Read the latest news came to me by the daily life .. That America has provided $ 8 billion to Uzbekistan to allow the stationing of U.S. forces permanently in the country overlooking the Caspian Sea .. The plan is then drawn .. He was appointed U.S. companies on what the bottom of the Caspian Sea .. The oil without limits .. Black and gold without end .. And planned the war from the beginning.
And had to be authorized to occur September 11 bombings .. And accuses Afghanistan and the Taliban and move the entire U.S. military force .. Close to the dream of the new
Are you hallucinating ..??!!
Or are designated as the truth
But the U.S. is now dreaming of what is more .. They want to confiscate the idea of Islamic Jihad and Tqtalha from the root and the Mujahideen Almaitan of British Muslims who went to Afghanistan to war with their fellow Afghans accused British courts treason .. They are now threatened with death .. And where did the coalition soldiers were wiped out when the Arab Afghans, was shot dead in the family castle Ganji.
Why did not accuse the British Jews who volunteered for the war with Israel?!! Treason are others ..??!! Or is it double standards ..?? But they have a thousand fold.
And Arabs who fought with the Afghans (Help America to the Northern Alliance soldiers Bouksosm they executed) .. Islamic jihad is a sin which must be eradicated .. Safe for Americans and the British themselves the .. And where did the Northern Alliance soldiers guarding the prisoners in the castle of Ganji .. Exterminated them on the reel when they and their father, the foreign volunteers who fought with them .. More than 500 people dead .. Horrible massacre ..!!
And the Americans and English are the face the same coin .. And bilateral Anglo-American colonialism in all its history is, and his might .. And Islamic Jihad in the eyes of these two colonial terrorism, which is to be crushed and eliminated.
The dream of America to be a Roman .. And that the Americans are the Romans and the new rule the world to the end of history.
Help Rumsfeld and Supreme Commander of the American forces .. I do not want prisoners of .. But I want to kill me .. I want dead ..
This is what I did the American forces in the massacre of Castle Ganji
Certificate of disgrace and shame to the commander of the Ripper
Will the bilateral Anglo-American rule in the world and in the elimination of Islam ..
In raising the banner of America is not great but ..?!
The meteor is expected still wandering around in space .. Has not yet come to the earth's gravitational field.
Will you pay the divine hand of fate to this campus and protected to the orbit of Webmasters Durr .. To teach both did not know .. The will of God alone is the governing of this world
And to any part of the land will guide the hand of God .. This meteor ..?!!
Is the resurrection of the whole world .. Or the resurrection of the colonialists and the oppressors only ..
Our Lord, we have no knowledge except what taught us
Lord, You are the Knower of the Unseen
Lord, do not pretend to have an unmistakable note of all these perceptions .. And I am not confused mind
But will keep one fact for certain misgivings Attoulha .. That the United States have done well to take advantage of this disaster, whatever the cause and invested the best investment for the ride on the back of the world and led to whip Mataktth and you want ..
And on the tape, which drove America from its sleeve and broadcast to the world and who will speak on the bin Laden for the bombing of the towers .. I say that I listened to the tape and the sound is clear and tones blurred and can not differentiate .. And the prospects for fabrication and the incoming .. And American teachers in this art ..
And will remain the truth is lost ..
And will not appear right only in the Hereafter, Judgement Day
At that time, the situation will be more frightening than all that happened and is happening in this world, and then, will not help regret .. Words will not work
By Mustafa Mahmoud مشاركة على فيس بوك